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Some people learn about service by serving others. People like me learn about service by being served. I’d rather be on the other end, but I’ve learned to accept help with gratitude.

Today newlyweds Kevin and Kaysha came and served us all day. Kaysha is Chad’s youngest sister. Kaysha helped me turn a case of pluots into jam and syrup while Kevin spent the day working on the railing of our deck with Chad.

Poor Chad has spent the summer spending a few hours here and there trying to get the deck done. The project was beginning to feel like it would never get done. The enthusiasm that Kevin brought was truly a blessing from God. That deck has been weighing on both of us.

Both of them also did dishes, swept, and helped make eclairs. It was truly an incredible blessing to us. After they left I remembered a heart felt prayer I had lifted several times that week- “Please, Father, please send someone to help me with the cleaning. I’ve lost my cleaning lady and I don’t have any money this month to pay for it anyway. I can’t stand how dirty things are anymore. Please send someone who can help me and who actually wants to help me.”

The mental boost of having them here was almost as appreciated as the actual service that was so needed. I also have a fresh stock of tangy pluot jam, low in sugar and so delicious and we were able to get the railing down and back up without worrying about children falling off and breaking something.

Thank you Father for answering my prayers. Thank you Kaysha and Kevin for taking time out of your busy homework filled lives to help us out. I felt bad we couldn’t pay for your sandwiches- someday when we have some money again, we’ll make it up to you.